From the President
Dear Harvard Club of Pakistan Members,
Thank you for posing your trust in me and electing me as the President of Harvard Club of Pakistan for 2022-23. I am extremely humbled and realize the responsibility that comes with this position. I am grateful to the previous Executive Committee for putting up a great show and leaving some excellent traditions for the current committee to follow.
The past couple of years have been challenging for all of us because of the pandemic. However hopefully it is behind us now and we should be able to hold more in-person meetings, talks and other formal and informal events.
Our vision for this year is to strengthen the alumni connection in Pakistan through quality events and to use the expertise and intellect of the Harvard community in affecting policy change. We plan to work closely with our alumni community in shaping our plans for the year.
Key initiatives we are undertaking this year include:
- Establishing HCP as a legal entity
- Annual policy dialogue and talks with prominent citizens
- Increasing alumni engagement
- Expanding engagement with Harvard’s wider community
- Formal and informal events for Members
Looking forward to your active participation in HCP activities.
Dr. Omar Mukhtar Khan
Harvard Club of Pakistan